Pope and Young Club


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Re: Pope and Young Club

Actually vt you are partially right. The only requirement to become an associate member is that you have taken one big game animal out of the 28 recognized with a bow and arrow under fair chase conditions. The requirements are different to advance to regular and senior memeber status. The club doesn't even have a let off restriction anymore. That is why Mike Beatty's big non-typical was just named the new world record at the convention on Saturday, April 16, 2005.

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Re: Pope and Young Club

I got in with my 132 gross, 129 2/8 net, 10 point I got in 2003. Yes, it's not just for big bucks only as stated. It's any of the 28 big game animals of North America. Also, you can't just pay your dues and join. It's a club you got to make by taking a record book animal, P&Y or B&C club. Then pay your dues to stay a member. The regular member is one who take 3 different big game species, and the senior member is someone tkaing 5 big game species.

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Re: Pope and Young Club

The question was "are you a member?" not if you had any entries. You can be in the book and still not be a member.


Also, you can't just pay your dues and join. It's a club you got to make by taking a record book animal, P&Y or B&C club. Then pay your dues to stay a member.

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Not correct.


The only requirement to join as an Associate Member is to be a bowhunter and have pursued the challenge long enough to have harvested at least one adult North American big game animal with the bow and arrow (not necessarily of record class size). The Associate Membership is unlimited in number to qualified individuals. Membership in the Pope and Young Club is entirely separate from the Records, which is one of the programs maintained by the Club.

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Update; effective this year dues are now $35

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Re: Pope and Young Club


The question was "are you a member?" not if you had any entries. You can be in the book and still not be a member.


Also, you can't just pay your dues and join. It's a club you got to make by taking a record book animal, P&Y or B&C club. Then pay your dues to stay a member.

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Not correct.


The only requirement to join as an Associate Member is to be a bowhunter and have pursued the challenge long enough to have harvested at least one adult North American big game animal with the bow and arrow (not necessarily of record class size). The Associate Membership is unlimited in number to qualified individuals. Membership in the Pope and Young Club is entirely separate from the Records, which is one of the programs maintained by the Club.

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Update; effective this year dues are now $35

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Oh, OK, no, not a member. wink.gif

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Re: Pope and Young Club

Those of you who are not members should look into it. There is a lot more to the Pope and Young than the record book. Besides the non-hunters have set there sites on us "bowhunters" and we should be concerned. There was a summit after the convention in Springfield Mo. to deal with this issue.

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