anyone know


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Re: anyone know


why won't it pattern worth a darn?

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2 major reasons:

The rifling in a slug barrel will put a spin on the wad and shot charge. The instant the charge leaves the muzzle, the rotational forces will cause the shot to spread from the centerline of the muzzle. Not what you want for a good, tight pattern. Some aftermarket barrels for turkey guns actually have "straight rifling" in the bore to keep the wad from rotating.

Second........your slug barrel is probably not choked to get the maximum performance from a turkey load.

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Re: anyone know


If it's rifled don't bother trying...but if it's a smooth can have it reamed out and have it threaded to accept choke tubes...I did that with my Mossberg 500 so I had a nice short 24" barrel with rifle sights to use as a turkey gun.

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Good point. I was assuming (maybe incorrectly) that we were discussing a rifled slug barrel.

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