Helical fletching and shoot through rests?


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I have been shooting a fork rest for several years but have never been able to shoot full helical fletchings through it. Does anyone else have this problem? No matter what I try the fletchings just won't clear the forks. With target tips it doesn't make that much difference, but with broadheads the arrows do a barrel roll all the way to the target. Any suggestions or comments?

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Re: Helical fletching and shoot through rests?

Since I shoot instinctive I'm not sure if I want to put that big honkin' rest in my way. I'm sure that I could get used to it but don't want to spend the money and find out that I don't like it. I think that the concept is cool and yeah I hate the arrow falling off of the rest but am not sure if the end will justify the means.

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Re: Helical fletching and shoot through rests?

I currently shoot a Bodoodle Gamedropper. I'm not capable of shooting full helical, either.

I've got a few arrows fletched straight with a slight offset that seem to work fine for my set-up.

I plan on upgrading to a Trophy Taker in the near future and will go to a more helical fletch.

ThethirdI....You might try the QAD Ultimate Fall Away Rest. If I'm not mistaken, that's what the Fitzgerald's recommend and they shoot instinctive with compounds, also.

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Re: Helical fletching and shoot through rests?

Thanks for the input guys and the recommendation of the Ulimate fall away MCH. I'll have to look into those. I wasn't aware that it was such a problem(shooting helical through fork rest) otherwise I would never have tried it. I use a release because of a shoulder injury and was just trying to keep with the old helical style that I always shot in the past. I like the way that they fly but haven't got too much to gripe about when it comes to a 5 degree offset fletching either.

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