Trees and property lines


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its his "branches" in Iowa anyhow your tree but his branches if the branches fell on his car because of an act of God it would be his insurance not yours ... property line does extend up but you should be he bigger man maybe and trya nd talk too him maybe you can offer too split it my guess its already been looked into by him ... and he cant'wont pay for it and is trying too get you too do it... his lawyer should know this but sometimes lawyers just do what they are paid for and no thought or research put into it

GL with it

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Re: Trees and property lines

Also think your insurance agent is right. I honestly think I would call an attorney and ask advice and find out exactly what your rights are, and then further discuss it with the neighbor. I would not be paying for the tree service though unless a judge required me to.

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Re: Trees and property lines

i teach business law in a high school, and while i'm not a lawyer, i play one on TV. grin.gif

seriously, yeah, it's your neighbor's responsibility to remove the branches if he wants that done. your insurance agent is right, property lines extend skyward (and earthward for that matter) until you get up to the FAA realm. if your neighbor wants the branches removed, it's his responsibility and it is his right to do so for the parts of the trees that hang onto his property.

i'd agree that he handled it the wrong way.

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Re: Trees and property lines

xman - call your own attorney. I have some experiences with these issues but I live in VA. Here if the branches go from a tree on my property onto a neighbors property that neighbor has a right to prune the limbs on their side of the tree. Now if a tree falls from my property onto another property I am responsible for cleanup of that entire tree. In some counties which ever property "gets" the tree is responsible for everything - cleanup, damage, etc. Your insurance agent should be familiar with these laws also. Good luck.

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