Tree Lounge


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Re: Tree Lounge

Got a used one with all the extras. I set it up and put screw in steps up to it. Man, that thing is nice!!! I usually take a nice little nap everytime out there!! The deer wake me up when they come in. I got my Buck Wing porta- roof up too so it stays dry. I can shoot to my right and in front without much trouble. Thats the direction the deer are coming in from, so I set up to allow easy shooting for me. As far as taking it out and putting it up everytime.....No thanks!

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Re: Tree Lounge

I had one and sold it. It was the old style. The reasons were what JJWIII said above. I bought 2 Summit Revolutions that was more comfortable easier to pack and made almost no noise. I think they stopped making them this year but most of the summit stands are very comfortable and fairly quiet. I also have an ol-man mutivision that makes no noise and is comfortable with the added foam seat they make for it. The tree lounge would be good if you set it up and put steps up to it. My two cents. grin.gif

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Re: Tree Lounge

I was lucky to find an old style one with all the important extras for only $80. (Gun holder hooks, bowhunters adapter, chill pad, pruning saw)

The stand is DEADLY!!!

ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz...... LOL

This thing WILL put you to sleep... Its that comfortable...

Very safe feeling too, even while climbing you feel like you "IN" it not "ON" it.

I suggest you get the "bowhunters adapter" even if its for gun hunting only. Nice to stand a stretch the legs every hour or so... LOL

As mentioned above, its a pain to pack in, but not impossible. It is noisy when putting it on a tree but that too can be praticed and controlled. But other then that, if your looking for an all day hunt you'll NOT find a better choice.

I hear the newer models are a lot lighter and easier to set up.

For $80 I survive with mine. LOL

I set mine up a head of time to eliminate any noise while putting it on a tree and this year I actualy set it up like a chain on and used a stick ladder to access it. If you do this then use tie down straps to pull the base of it towards the tree like your weight would do if your in it. It was awesome and we saw a few deer from it at 15 yards this bow season.

Bottom line...

They are worth the money and minor hassels for all day hunting comforts. Which can be a big factor during rut hunting.


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Re: Tree Lounge

Mine is up a tree as a lockon, I used a friends last night and every time I moved it creaked. I would much rather use my Summit, besides all I do in the tree lounge is sleep!

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