New Gun to try


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I just purchased a NEF Pardner. 12ga 3-1/2 turkey gun for messing around with.. I kinda want to make things seem a little harder... With my 870 i was good out to about 40 yds.. this way i want to call them in close.. But do u think its possible with a good turkey choke shooting a 3 1/2 i can shoot even further? Thanks guys i appreciate the imput

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Re: New Gun to try

Well, in all honesty with my 835 and the Nitro/Rhino combo I can effectively shoot 60 yards and kill a bird, but that is assuming a TON of variables are working in my favor.

Yes, it is possible to shoot further than 40 yards, but as already said, you probably won't be able to shoot that much further. The only question I have is...

Why do you need to shoot further than 40 yards? I can blast them at 60, but I'd prefer them at 20. Hunting is supposed to be about up close and personal experiences smile.gif

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Re: New Gun to try

First off be very careful on how you shoot that gun. The recoil generated by a full house 3-1/2 " load out of that small light gun is nothing short of brutal.

I'm not really bothered by a hard recoiling gun but had enough of one of those after only 2 shots. Those shots were taken standing where my body could roll with the recoil. I have to think there is a real potential to get hurt if you would shoot it while leaning against something.

With that said........

The absolute best pattern I've ever seen shot with turkey loads was through a NEF single shot. My buddy had one that would throw super tight patterns at 50yds with 2-1/4oz federals.


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Re: New Gun to try

Thanks for the Advice yes im sure the kick is gonna be brutal but i just trying new things and that gun isnt a bad price to do that with. I also would like to mention with the 3 turkeys ive killed i havent put many pellets in the head so the more the better and the less the animal has to suffer! Dont we at least owe that to the animals we hunt guys and girls. good luck everyone!!!

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