Awesome evening hunt.........

Guest vipertec

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Guest vipertec

Hey guys check it out my second turk of the season. This is a big ol boy. 7/8 inch spurs and a little over 10 inches on the beard. Not bad for a rookie. This was an awesome hunt. Called in 6 toms. Called in four together and shot what appeared to be the best tom to me. After I shot him the other three thought they would join in and lend a little extra whoppin to him while he was down........ that was awesome. Just as they decided to leave I called a couple more times and low and behold 2 more toms come running straight in from just down the road...... it was just awesome......... and again if it was for a few special pointers from the turk master himself RyanH this would never have been possible. Check him out..





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Guest vipertec

Re: Awesome evening hunt.........

thanks guys and yep tagged out but I will be ready again for next year...........Thanks Ryan now IM an

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Re: Awesome evening hunt.........


Now if you could just get Ryan a turkey! tongue.gif

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Man no kiddin! I work 7 days a week! I have not really had a chance to go to my good spots! I have been hunting public land and called in some jakes but i want a big boy!

I hope to pull it together next weekend!

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