My decision


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Re: My decision

Well Swampy I'm glad you decided to not stay gone. You had me worried there for a little while. I'm glad we've got people with the tenacity to stick with law enforcement like you. I was in it for 3 yrs, was eating a bottle of tylenol a week because of the stress and other factors. A lot of people have no clue what it is you have to deal with on a daily basis 24/7 because you're never really off. With any civil service job though, those people aren't appreciated or paid well. To make things worse, you're at the fore front of any negativity because of your visibility. The judges, lawyers, etc., where the system fails anyway, don't get the flak. I'll just say this.. Glad you decided to stay and Very Glad you do what you do.. Thanks!!

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Re: My decision


I said it in the thread that got you upset and I will say it again, God Bless the men in blue! Ken, I understand your stress I see it in the eye's of the LEO"s and Probation Officers who visit our school on a daily basis. If my comments offended you I apologise. I was actually trying to back you if it didn't read that way. I was stating my fustration with the "I will sue your pants off Mr. Teacher" mentality that I hear all the time if you look cross eyed at a student. I could not do my job without the help of LEO's like yourself.

I for one am very glad to hear that you are staying on board. You are the closest person to me on this forum and I looked forward to any advice you had. I also look forward to meeting you one day. Not to mention that about 3-5 times a week I have to get on-line so my daughter can stare at your bear. grin.gif She's loved him since the first time she laid eyes on him laugh.gif I was worried how I was going to explain it to her.

Glad you're back!


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