Chokes for 835


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What chokes should I look at for my 835? The ones I'm looking at the most are a modified and probably an improved cylinder. They would mostly be used for upland birds and some trap shooting.

Should I just look for standard Mossberg chokes at the local stores? I believe the Gander Mountain that I bought it from has a good selection for Mossberg chokes.

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Re: Chokes for 835

I would stick with standard Accu-Mag™ Tubes from Mossberg. Didn't the gun come with various chokes? I would get the 3 standard tubes improved cylinder, modified, and full choke.

A variant of that with some aftermarket chokes would be improved cylinder, improved modified, and turkey full. While the modified choke is the most popular as a do-it-all choke, I basically have little use for it. I prefer the improved modified for longer range shots than improved cylinder is capable of. If it gets much farther than improved modified can reach, the extra full comes into play.

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Re: Chokes for 835

Good info AJ, thanks. I believe the gun only came with a turkey choke. I think it was stocked as a turkey gun rather than an upland gun.

I'll definately take a look and see what they have for something like an improved modified. I definately liked the modified the best with my 500 20 gauge.

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