After-market chokes for a 20 ga.

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Does anyone know of any companies that sell after-market chokes for a 20 ga ?I only see 12 ga. in Cabela's and other catalogs. I want a tighter choke for my Beretta 686. My gun uses the Mobilchokes right now. I have a full choke, but am looking for a quality Extra Full that can handle hevi shot. I can buy an extended Xfull from Beretta, but it seems the aftermarket ones are usually better for patterns.

Any help is appreciated. smile.gif


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Re: After-market chokes for a 20 ga.

Lots of choke companies make 20 gauge chokes. If you're looking for a turkey there's rhino, hastings, comp n choke, undertaker, tightwad, and others I'm probably forgeting. For hevishot, the rhino and undertaker are chokes that would work. I don't think hastings or comp n choke are rated for hevishot.

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Re: After-market chokes for a 20 ga.

check the primos website or catalogue. i think i saw some in there. i was thinking about getting one for my benelli 20ga to use for duck huntin the river and creek where i would rather use a 20ga since it is closer to town.

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