Anyone in this situation??


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In ohio we are only allowed shooting 2 turks a year which i guess is a good idea since our state doesnt have a ton like the other states.. The odnr has done pretty well in helping the birds become more existent. I killed a turk the first week and havent been out since primarly due to really bad turkey weather.. I am in a situation thought that i dont want to kill another just yet because then my season is over besides calling for others?? Anyone ever been in this situation or is currently in one right now??

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Re: Anyone in this situation??

During my second spring turkey season, which was like 3 years ago or 4, I killed a nice jake the third day into the season. Well I had difficulty decidind whether to go out the next day and go for another because I knew where they were and end my season early, or wait. I opted for ending my season early which I did...2 turkeys in two days. It I were you, I'd be going out because if you wait, you may not have another chance..the bird might quit gobbling, be all henned up, or spooked. I'd say go for it!

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