wife's first time

Guest MarylandQDMA

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Guest MarylandQDMA

I took the wife out fishing yesterday evening, to the local trout streem. gave her my utra light and I had my flyrod. hooked her up with a #12 hook and a big night crawer, and about the 4th cast she hooked a big brown trout! 14"! I was so happy I came real close to falling in the water (I was up stream about 30 yards). so I had to beline it down to her to help land the fish. I am SOOOOO proud of her! well after that we contuned on, and she hooked another! a rambowabout 12". I had two hits, but got nothing in. then I tryed the worm approach but lost the one fish I hooked. bad night for me, but also good. I was just so happy for the wife, It made no differance if I got something in the net.


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