How would you feel?


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Last night I went and check jugs and had a few fish. My stepdad went with me. Well I catch a bunch of shad and rebait all the hooks. He had I guess a good time riding around out there. Now he is telling everyone that WE have jugs out and he took my dadgum fish last night. I was not too happy but I figured I would be nice and let them have some but it just makes me mad that he just grabs them up and takes off with them without asking me first. And on top of that when I catch shad I freeze what I have left. He took them too. Makes me mad that I put in all the time and effort and now he is running around telling the neighbors that he has a part in it. UGH!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Andrea

Re: How would you feel?

Does he have his own boat? If not...there's your problem.

As for him taking your fish...make him up a few jugs and put his name on them. If they hang a fish..he can keep them. Otherwise, the rest are yours. You could make it a competition of sorts. See who's bait catches the most. smile.gif

I gather he's not easy to talk to???

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