2002 pse enforcer


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hey all my tbolt is sold pending payment but i have one heck of a great shooting bow still for sale in the pse enforcer. 29/60lbs and is immaculate with new string and cable from prostring. the bow is a great shooter with nv's and limbsavers and leechesthe bow is 34 inch reflex riser makes it an excellent shooter quiet and no vibration and solid wall to draw too.

it has a mirage drop away and is set to shoot turbo nocks and is tuned like a champ to hunt just wish i could shoot it but due to injuries and surgeries i am now going to have to go with a crossbow. i have 350.00 in the bow but make an offer and let's see if we can make something happen all. it is just sitting in the case and i could sell the plano case as well as the bow together if you need one for a new bow

rob k

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