A good night


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Went out last night and climbed into a tree Id pruned up the night before.It was damp and cold and the wind started blowing pretty good, I considered getting down and walking over to the foodplot because there was a guy roofing his house about 300 yrds away.Movement caught my attention, the deer were stringing outta the bedding area early.The pond in front of me would decide weather or not I get to shoot, if they came down the north side they would be in range, south side they would be outta range.They went down the south trail, outta range, and over the hill behind me.

I let em have 45 minutes and never see another deer, the guys still banging away on his roof and winds switched a little.I climb down and walk over the hilltop the does went over.Theres a driveway there that leads to the cornfield.I walk down the driveway, 4 and 5 ft tall switchgrass on either side of me.Im at the corner of the picked bean field now.I peek out around the corner of the switchgrass and see antlers.A big 8 pointers in the far end of the beans feeding with 2 does.I stay put, sit down in the edge of the switchgrass and clip my release to the string, maybe the buck will feed past me.I no sooner get the releae clipped on then a deer steps out of the switchgrass close enough to touch.Its a big doe and she glances at me.I wait till she looks down to start eating and draw,, she catches the movement and looks up again, Im already drawn but cant shoot through the grass.Instead of snorting and running she looks for a couple seconds, puts her head down and continues to feed.Three steps later shes in the clear and again looks over as I move the pin to behind her shoulder.Shes a mere 3 yrds away and I know in another step or two she will be downwnd of me and the hunt will be over.I let the arrow fly.She doesnt run, simply looks over and turns around, walks back towards the other deer in the field.The arrows blown through, its hung up only by the fletchings in her ribs.I watch and she walks down the beanfield, and stops.She doesnt even know shes shot.I peek my head up a little higher to keep an eye on her and the buck sees me, he runs off taking the other two does with him, my doe runs as well into the switchgrass.Lights fading fast and it feels like rain so I smoke a cigarette and walk into the field, pick up the blood trail and follow her 40 yrds into the switchgrass.Shes lying here dead, it was a good night, a good hunt, and I was back home by 10 oclock after a 1/2 mile drag with my brother in law back to the road.

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Re: A good night

Now that would be an adrenaline rush. I have had them them at 7 yards, and that is my closest. My buddy had a similar thing happen though. He was getting down for the night when all of the sudden this 7 pointer just appeared. Stopped broadside, 15 yards away. His arrow blew clean through the deer and stuck in a tree on his other side. He said the buck just turned his head towards the sound of the arrow hitting the tree, looked for a second, then put his head back down and started munching on acorns for a minute, then he just dropped over.

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