My son's first "real" hunt! (long...)

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My oldest son is one of those kids who would rather he be allowed to spend all of his time glued to the computer/tv/ps2/or game boy than to actually do any kind of physical activity. I have been trying and trying to get him to take up some sort of physically active hobby (didn't have to be hunting, but I would be thrilled if it was!). This year he asked me to put him in for the turkey tag lottery and I gladly did so, but still didn't hold much hope that he would really go.

Yesterday morning was youth day and he wanted to go. I woke him at 4 am....then again at 4:10, and He finally got dressed and we were in the truck ready to get a bird. The first spot we set up at already had the turkeys gobbling when we got out of the truck. His eyes got really wide and I could see that spark that we all know so well!

We set up and my fiance was calling behind us. We kept seeing a very large bird just out of range with a couple of hens with him. My son whispered "When will they get up here?" And I tried not to laugh. After a little more calling and gobbling back from the tom, the turkeys moved on and so did we.

The next spot was another good sized tom, but he wouldn't come across a stream that divided us (too much rain this spring!) So my son once again experienced the "close, but not this time" thing.

He didn't get a turkey yesterday, but when I asked him what he thought about turkey hunting he said "Mom, I have never had my heart beat so fast. This is really exciting! Can we go tomorrow too?"

I was soooo happy to hear that he now has the hunting bug! grin.gif He is busily planning his next hunting trip and I have a shopping list of things he believes he now needs for a more successful hunt.

What a huge change....this is the same young man that went deer hunting....once....for 15 minutes and decided it was just too boring! Now my whole family hunts, and I get to go shopping today! grin.gif

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Re: My son\'s first \"real\" hunt! (long...)

Good deal...sounds like he maybe hooked. Its great to hear about someone getting outdoors and enjoying themselves for the first time. Hope he gets another chance at a bird this year!

Congrats to you and your fiance also for indroducing him to our great sport. wink.gif

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Re: My son\'s first \"real\" hunt! (long...)

He is going back out Monday before school....I had to remind him sunday hunting isn't allowed in Maine, or we would be out there today. We really want to see him get a bird this year, I think it will go a long ways to making him a life long hunter. Next we will work on the slower going deer hunting! LOL

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Re: My son\'s first \"real\" hunt! (long...)

That is really cool because dont know of many better ways to bond with your kid because my it seems to really work for me and my dad.

Just get one to come all the way in and he will be hooked for life

Congrats i bet it feels great

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Re: My son\'s first \"real\" hunt! (long...)

Thats awsome Linda....Very glad to hear that. Just do not go to the WalMart in Windham for turkey stuff. That store is horrible now for hunting gear. I gotta wait four more years to bring my daughter hunting..Cannot wait....

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Re: My son\'s first \"real\" hunt! (long...)

Sounds like he had a great time. It's a great way to spent time with your kids. I'll be out with my 14 year old tommorrow morning doing the same.

Hopefully the turkeys cooperated for you guys this morning.


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