Horrible opening morning


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Well guys, I may sound really wimpy but I am bummed. It has beened a year and a half without filling a tag and this morning, the opener in NY, I heard no gobbles and saw no gobblers! I set up in the corner of a field near a ridge that turkeys like, had a hen calling in the woods to my right but she didn't come into the field or even towards me. I'm not sure if she had a gobbler with her or what but I wouldn't know! I got to this spot at 4:30am and when I was too cold, I took a walk at 7am. I walked some fields then returned and dropped over the ridge to an open bottom next to a different corn field. Sat there for about an hour and nothing! I came home at 10am, feeling really bummed. I don't know whether to give up or keep trying. I'll try to go upback tonight and see if I can find that gobbler I saw a couple weekends ago. How'd everyone else do? By the way I saw no other hunters except for some track on a logging path near another property line. I did hear some gun shots around the area, not on the land I hunt though, but hearing gun shots is depressing enough...

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Re: Horrible opening morning

Remember............in hunting, like life, the joy is in the journey. Not the destination. You will succeed & bag a nice Tom. And when you do..........the reward will be 10 fold because it is something that you had to work at to accomplish. Keep that chin up & stick to it.

It took me 12 years of hunting before I ever took a deer or a turkey LOL My grandfather hunted 50 years .........NEVER took a deer. He only got a handful of turkeys. But all of those years were fun. Hunting is not only about bagging game. Remember that and enjoy even those tough mornings. Good luck! And I hope to see a picture of you with a nice Tom sometime this season

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Re: Horrible opening morning

Thanks guys, you all are what makes this a great forum:) I was going to go out tonight to a difefrent spot where I think a gobbler might be, but with this cold I decided to take a break and save my engery for the morning. It might be raining in the morning so I'm going to stick by the fields but I have a final exam at 10:30am so I have to call it quits around 9. I'll keep you all up to date.

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Re: Horrible opening morning

Don't give up, you will find a gobbler. I hunted the first 7 days of our season before ever seeing a tom, I would hear them way off, but never close or on our property. Finally on the 8th morning I got my first bird this year.

Keep after them

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Re: Horrible opening morning

Yeah, I got something...

STUCK IN THE MUD! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Luckily, some guys came along and pulled me out.

Saw one hen fly down, called in a hawk, found some wing feathers, and, it seemed like every time I called someone else was shooting. crazy.gif

Mostly, had a good time which passed quickly. I'm used to hunting deer ALL DAY.

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Re: Horrible opening morning

My day had little success too. They were all typical men, afraid of committment grin.gif I talked to about 6 toms. I could get them to shock gobble but even my most seductive calling wouldn't interest them one bit. I will wait another week till it's warmer and some of the hens have started to nest up.


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