Success in Ohio

Guest buckifan21

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Guest buckifan21

Hey all, yesterday at 7:05 i dropped the hammer on a fine bird. 21 lbs. 10 in. beard, 1 in and 1 1/8 in spurs.

The Story: Friday night behind my grandpa's house we saw 5 jakes, 2 hens, and a nice strutting longbeard all out in a field. We watched them go up in the woods so we had an idea where they would roost. the next morning My dad and grandpa sat up on the field edge while i circled to the top of the ridge to close the backdoor. At about flydown time, gobbler 1 fired up about 200 yards away, hit the ground and immediately dropped over the hill toward my dad, gobbling all the way. i could hear him getting farther and farther away. As i was waiting to hear my dad's shot any moment, gobbler 2 gobbles about 100 yards away just over the hill followed by gobbles of about 4 or more jakes. Gobbler 2 would answer me but not real excitedly. Where his gobbles were coming from, it sounded as though he was still sitting in the tree. he gobbled every couple minutes or so for 20 minutes. he had the "you're welcome to come if you would like, but there's no way i'm coming to you" attitude that we all know. well, after about 20 minutes of that nonsense (and no shots from my dad) gobbler 1 sings from his original spot about 200 yards away, so i give a couple yelps. gobbler 1, coupled with my yelps gets gobbler 2 fired up. at that point, with gobblers at 2 completely opposite directions, i knew things were going to happen fast, i just didnt know how fast. gobbler 1, gobbled again and had cut the distance from 200 yds to 75 in about 30 seconds shocked.gif i scan the woods for either bird and i see gobbler 1 about 70 yds away in strut. well, he drops strut and takes off on a dead sprint. as soon as he hit the 4 wheeler path i was set up on, he slowed up and that's when i dropped him grin.gif at the report of my gun, gobbler 2 and all the jakes gobbled so i stayed still, hoping they would make it down to my grandpa or dad. my bird flapped for a couple minutes and the flapping caused a couple of the jakes to gobble. it was quite a show

later, when i talked to my dad he informed me that gobbler 1 followed 2 hens down his way but stopped following them when he got about 60 yds away. my dad's sweetest purrs and clucks wouldn't make him budge, he stayed out of view and range and just gobbled until he decided to go back to me tongue.gif i guess my calls were just more enticing. haha not really, i just like to mess with my dad about it. he tells everyone that the only way i got it was b/c he chased it to me

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Guest buckifan21

Re: Success in Ohio


Good bird...but this post isnt worth jack without some pics tongue.gifgrin.gif

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haha Aaron, you are right. lol the pics are in my dad's camera so once he gets them developed, i'll scan and put them up here. (i'm still in the stone age and havent bought a digital yet blush.gif )

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Re: Success in Ohio



Good deal bud. What county?

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Washington County. about 20 minutes from Marietta

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Hey, I was working a bird near Belpre Friday morning. I was on Oxbow golf course though, without my shotgun, just a set of golf clubs. grin.gifgrin.gif I had my mouth call in my rain gear, I would call and he would answer, everytime.

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