Scent Loc clothing? worth the expense?


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Re: Scent Loc clothing? worth the expense?

No It does not work. No it is not worth the expense.

It has been scientifically proven that these suits are a gimick. They are saturated with scent by the time they are purchased. They can absorb no more. A dryer does not get hot enough to reactivate them.

Save your money, invest in good camo (non scent lock........get twice as much grin.gif) Wash your clothes in scent free anti bacterial soap before each hunt. Do the same with your body before each hunt. You will have as much success as someone using one of these suits..........and save a pile of money at the same time.

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Re: Scent Loc clothing? worth the expense?

Until I quit having deer come in (even from down wind) and stand under my stand, I refuse to jump on any carbon bandwagon.

I have had more deer directly under my stand this year than ever before (5 in the last 3 outings, alone, litterally under my stand and all at one point were down wind of me).

I wash my clothes before season and maybe one other time during season in Sportsman's Wash. I throw them in a plastic tub w/ a earth scent waffer. I change into my clothes where I hunt. I only take a shower with scent free soap if I am morning hunting. I do a lot of evening hunts after work, smelling like ... work. A lot of times, I slip my hunting bibs right over my work clothes, which in no way eliminate my smells. I wear Lacrosse Burly boots that carry no scent, deer walk on my tracks all the time and do not spook.

There is absolutely no need for these carbon suits, in my opinion. 110% gimmic, as so much of the crap out there today is.

I've said it before and I'll say it again ... 100% scent free is about 99% over rated.

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Re: Scent Loc clothing? worth the expense?

5 Point -

I don't mean to down play the power of the whitetails nose. I have all the respect in the world for it. In my 20 years of hunting, I've been winded my fair share of times. For many years I got so I was absolutely anal about scent control. However, in the past 4 or 5 years, I've lightened up on it and still seem to have more close encounters with deer than the majority of the people I know. Three to four deer ride home with me every year, one of which is generally a mature buck. And, I bowhunt 99% of the time.

I say, use whatever scent free system works for you and that you have confidence in.

My point was (which you agree) carbon suits are over rated.

P.S. Not trying to offend anyone here, but what is with everyone brushing their teeth with baking soda? Last I checked mint smells naturally occur in most areas of this country. I can not figure out for the life of me how Mint Crest would scare away a whitetail deer. confused.gif

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Re: Scent Loc clothing? worth the expense?

Well, I started hunting when I was 12, and I am 24 years old now, so I have 12 years under my belt. I am not an old expert by any means, but noone is. Anyway, when I was about 16 I started archery hunting very seriously, using normal clothes and using all the scent killer sprays and what not. I showered every morning with scent free soap, went the whole 9 yards, and was still getting busted by deer. At the age of 19 I decided that Scent Lok was worth a try. I still do the same religious process each time before I enter the field, store and wash clothes the same exact way, etc. However, since buying the suit I have not been winded by a single deer, 0, zilch. Big bucks, young bucks, old does & young does have all passed downwind of me, some have stayed and ate for an hour or so, and a few have even bedded down. This was not happening before I purchased the Scent Lok gear. It works, period, either that or all of the sudden every deer in PA has become stupid and doesn;t fear human scent anymore. Something tells me that if that was the case I'd have a lot of P&Y heads on my wall by now. Buy Scent Lok, you'll never regret it.

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Re: Scent Loc clothing? worth the expense?

put it this way my friend smokes as many ciggeretts as he possibly can on his way to hunt, sprays down with cover scent and climbs in his tree. personaly i think he's nuts, but some how he manages to shot a deer every year, without scentlock

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Re: Scent Loc clothing? worth the expense?

I have Scent Blocker suit and will not buy another. It does no better than anything else. I only wear it for bow season as it is the lightest weight camo I have. I have been winded while wearing it. Now, I just use scent spray, and more importantly, watch the wind. Save your $ for other gadgets that work.

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