SVL & Skeetshooting


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I finally got a chance to shoot skeet with my Benelli Nova using my SVL butt pad. I must say it was a dream come true. I shot about 3 boxes of #7 1/2 and honestly do not even feel like I've shot a single shell through the gun. Even yesterday after shooting I didn't feel anything.

Those things are the best things sence sliced bread.

BTW only 1 target hit the ground, but a few had 2 shots slung at them. smirk.gif

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Re: SVL & Skeetshooting

Thanks for the report on the pad. Good to hear you like it.

LOL! Good shooting I guess, how many targets did you shoot all 75 shots at? Since only one hit the ground I would say a 74 is pretty good but the "few had 2 shots at them" part, skeet shooting, its one shot per target. What station gave you the most problems?

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Re: SVL & Skeetshooting


Thanks for the report on the pad. Good to hear you like it.

LOL! Good shooting I guess, how many targets did you shoot all 75 shots at? Since only one hit the ground I would say a 74 is pretty good but the "few had 2 shots at them" part, skeet shooting, its one shot per target. What station gave you the most problems?

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Uh, let me rephrase that then. I've got a clay target slinger and I shot 59 out of 60 targets at various hights, distances, speeds and angles with around 70 shells, so I guess I took 2 shots on 9 targets and I remember taking 3 shots on 1.

I guess that's not really skeet shooting, but it's as close to it as I can get here in the ghetto. grin.gif

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Re: SVL & Skeetshooting

LOL! Ok John, I see. When I hear people on here talk about shooting skeet, usually it has nothing to do with skeet. They are shooting clay targets. that's why I asked. No biggie, just keeping everything straight. The reason is if there was a certain station giving problems in skeet or trap, maybe I can give some advise.

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Re: SVL & Skeetshooting

Typically, most people miss those by shooting behind the target. The shooter lifts their head off the stock to get a look at the target turning into a cloud of smoke and they stop the gun swing. Its such and easy target, we get careless. Stick with the gun and follow through and you will see them grind into dust.

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Re: SVL & Skeetshooting


The shots I had the most trouble with were targets flying straight away from me and moving up.

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Hmmmm....sounds finda like the number 7 station??? or or the 1 spot depending on where the thrower is.

For both of those shots i jam the barrels right in the birds tail(figure of course) get out on the balls of your feet and lean right into the bird and pull should bust it every time, if its moving up at a hard angle use the 8 station move, as soon as barrel meets target pull it.

Crossing shots are another matter, but i find those two moves right there cover about every going/coming shot i have in the field.....JMO though

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