The highs and lows the might before turkey season.


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Well I had these two gobblers pinned down and gobbling their heads off waiting to hear them fly up. It was pretty dark but I hadn't heard those wing beats yet. Then I heard any hunter owl hoot. I knew I'm the only one able to hunt this land this week. So I hoot back to let him know I'm there and on these birds. Then he walks right past themtowards me and hollers, Hey how you doing?" I get him to quiet down and then hear the wing beats. I'm hoping they were just flying up but they never gobbled again. I'm guessing he busted them. My luck. The guys hunts the season after me next week.

Oh well. It was pretty dark so they probably didn't go too far. I'll just have to find them again in the morning.


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Re: The highs and lows the might before turkey sea

We found them this morning. They goobled quite a bit on the limb. But shut up every time I called, yet would gobble at crow calls. They didn't appear to have hens. But didn't want anything to do with us.

We did have a different bird come in silent. It caufght my son unaware that it was there and busted him.

Well we'll hit them again Thurday morning

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