Hey Texans......


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According to an article in our Sunday paper, you guys are not doing a real good job of controlling your wild hog population. The headline says: "WILD HOGS PLAGUE TEXAS FARMS AND RANCHES". They go on to say: "Wild hogs are mangling fields and pastures with their razor sharp tusks. They're wrecking eco-systems by wallowing in streambeds. They're even killing and eating smaller animals (they mentioned goats & sheep). In short, the nation's largest feral hog population is making a mess of Texas." One rancher even says: "Bring your AK-47, because that's what you'll need".

So, what are you guys going to do about it? You're giving all us hunters a bad name!

Seriously, are things really that desparate out there? The article makes it sound pretty bad. It sounds funny that something that is that good tasting could be over-populated. They are good tasting aren't they? They described how prolific they are, and it sounds like they are just "breeding machines". I used to think it would be pretty neat to have some in NY state, but now, I don't think so. This is pretty scarey after just watching a program about "Hogzilla" on the history channel the other night. That was the wild boar in Georgia that was reported to be 12' long (turned out to only be a mere 8'+). I think it might be a good idea for you guys to keep them things over there in Texas.

They even said that for a while some of the counties were offering a $7 bounty untill the program started getting real expensive. It seems as though there shouldn't be any hunters BUYING pork in that state. By the way, is there a market for wild boar meat. Sounds like you have to find a way to get the good ol' profit motive involved in pig killing.

Oh well, I just thought you all might be interested that the Texas hog problem has made the business section of Sunday papers all the way over here in NY. Good luck on fixing it, and happy hunting.


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Re: Hey Texans......

In some areas of the state, particularly east Texas, it is getting out of hand. There are some ranches that are advertising really cheap hunts, like $50 per day and you are encouraged to kill as many as you can, but I haven't seen anyone yet that was offering a bounty to kill hogs.

I don't think you can legally sell wild pork in stores. No FDC or Ag Dept inspections. Also most commercial butchers won't take them, so you have to process them yourself.

And yes, as far as I'm concerned they could all disappear tomorrow, right along with the fireants and rattlesnakes... grin.gif

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Re: Hey Texans......


There are some ranches that are advertising really cheap hunts, like $50 per day

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Doesn't it seem weird that they would charge you anything at all? It seems to me that they might offer to open their land up to any interested hunters for some small period of time during the year. Probably would have a whole lot more impact than trying to make a buck off of a problem that is threatening your livelihood.


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Re: Hey Texans......

There is a market for the hogs. go to Texasboars.com and check it out. Alot of people are getting into this hog hunting thing. They are trapping them and they are being sold to Europe. And every one that I have harvested the local butcher has taken and prossesed for me. They also do a biggest hog contest at alot of lockers down here.

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Re: Hey Texans......

Another interesting story: I heard on the TV the other night that England expects to be having wild hog problems in the future. Their population is starting to expand dramatically. It sure will be interesting to see how they will handle that problem with all their wacko animal rights attitudes.


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