Didn't get a turkey but my friend did.


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Went out at 3:30pm with my best friend. He sat up on a old tom that was working his g/fs over a ridge. He sat out two hen decoys and a jake decoy. He was using a box call and I had the Freak W/ Crystal strapped to my leg and a mouth call in my mouth. Almost choked on the mouth call. grin.gif

The old tom that there was more hens for him to take so he came our way. He was 15 yards in front of me but stepped sideways and got behind a tree, but my friend had a open shot and fired off. The turkey went down the ridge hill floppin with my friend and I going after him.

I think I could have took the shot before he went behind the tree, but to me it wasn't a ethical shot and didn't take it. He turkey weighed 24lbs had two beards one being 9 inches and the other 3 inches 1/2. Didn't measure the spurs but we will.

Sorry Longbeard Legends I'll take one out before season falls out.

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Re: Didn\'t get a turkey but my friend did.

Congratulations to your friend. It's a good thing he had a shot as I've known many a tom to walk right off with that tree between you and him the whole way. Tree walkin' sons of guns they are. Good luck to you, I'm sure your day will come. Those who share their birds please the turkey gods, so they should be smiling on you.

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