Recommendations for food plot(Help)

Guest TheDanishDanger

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Guest TheDanishDanger

Should I plow the ground and use products to plant a food plot, or should I purchase the products that require no plowing or tilling. If anyone knows which is more effective and better and more efficient, let me know because i don't know which direction to go. Any recommendations would really help.

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Re: Recommendations for food plot(Help)

No till blends have their place--they are designed for those hard to get to places where you can't get a tractor or an atv in to work the ground. they are also desinged for the individual who wants a plot but doesn't have the equipment to do the work. With the no-till you still need to do some prep to the soil. All debris needs to be removed so the seeds can make contact with the soil. It is also best to spray the area to be planted with roundup to kill off all existing vegetation. i have used the no-till method with success but not anything like traditional planting methods. It is also best to broadcast the seed during a rain or just prior to a rain. I use this method on some hunting plots that i can't get equipement to. However, if you have access to equipment I would recommend discing and working the ground--you will get a much better plot.


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Guest TheDanishDanger

Re: Recommendations for food plot(Help)

thanks, that gives me a better idea, if i was doin about half an acre, it probably would just be best to do the no till right?

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Re: Recommendations for food plot(Help)


thanks, that gives me a better idea, if i was doin about half an acre, it probably would just be best to do the no till right?

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only if you don't have access to equipment to work the land---if you do I would still disc/till even though it's only 1/2 acre.

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Re: Recommendations for food plot(Help)

if you can I would recommend a soil sample. it will tell you exactly what your pH is and how much lime you need on your 1/2 acre. if you can't do that then I would try to broadcast 400# of pelleted lime before planting. If you can work the lime into the soil that would be even better.

What are you wanting to plant?

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Guest TheDanishDanger

Re: Recommendations for food plot(Help)

i don't know, i think i'm just gonna plant some no till and see how it works, i'll pick up a bag of biologic or whitetail institue, something like that. thanks for the help though, i appreciate it. I'll just clear out the area and put some of that lime you mentioned and right before a rain i'll lay some stuff down. I read it takes about 45 days for it to full grow. Should I fence in the area to keep the deer from eatin it prematurely or will it be fine?

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