Spooky! **Ghost**


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Ghost have been brought up on here before. There is a certain website that puts up different "captures" every month. This month they added a pic from the Amityville house. Ill post a link and the pics below, well because its Almost Halloween and im pretty bored too.

Here is a link to the monthly pics. I didn't post a link directly to the article so you could flip through the others. This article is in the October addition Under "Amityville Ghost revealed." There are years worth of them. Ill post the story and from this point on it will be 100% from that website.


Amityville ghost revealed!

In an interview with George Lutz last year, he was asked about this photo, and here is his reply - George Lutz and his family were the ones tormented in Amityville.

The first time that picture was shown was on the Merv Griffin show back in 1979. It was discovered 3 years after it was taken. Gene Campbell, who was a professional photographer, was brought into the house in 1976 when the Warrens went in with their team. He set up an automatic camera on the 2nd floor landing that shot off infrared film, black and white, throughout the night. There are literally rolls of film with nothing on them. There's only one picture of the little boy. In 1979, I was putting together a book that has yet to be published that included the photographs. The secretary I had at the time was about eight months pregnant. We had dozens of these pictures to choose from that didn't have the boy, and she asked me: "Which one should we put in the book?" I told her to just pick one. She came running back into my office about 5 minutes later saying that every time she picked up the photograph with the boy, the baby kicked her. We then asked my kids if they knew who this was. Missy said it was the little boy she used to play with in the house. I then called the Warrens and the photographer and let them know about the picture."


Believed to be the youngest child previously killed in the house.




There is a definite resemblance to the boy on the right.

(photo is slightly distorted due to enlargement)


and of article.

Whatever it is, its pretty darn spooky! What do you all think?

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Re: Spooky! **Ghost**



That picture alone was worth a good laugh grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Reminds me of my Wife when I forget to flush blush.gifgrin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

lmbo @ gw............... by the way i love ghost stories ...thanx for sharing....i have a very interesting and yet different view about ghosts,,however they do exist!!!!!!!!!!i would love to explain but this realy isn't the place for it... grin.gif

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