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Driving down the road the other day past a public hunting area i seen a good rub in the road ditch on a small tree.I pulled over and walked in to check it out.Theres a foodplot, standing corn that will be left in there all year, its right on the road, and the property line.The trail the deer are using also runs right down the property line on the state side of the fence.Back in the corner of the foodplot theres a tree i wanna hunt.Its right in the fenceline, on the state side, the good trail runs right beside it, the deer cross outta the private ground right behind it, and theres a lotta rubs popping up around there.The trees right in the fenceline though, actually where my stand would be is on the other side of the fence, about 20 ft in the air.So how close to the fenceline do you all think I should hunt?Legally Im not doing anything wrong, im coming in from the state ground, climbing the tree on the state ground, and never stepping in the private ground.the foodplot and trails are also all on the state side.But if the farmer wanted to be difficult about it he probably could.The guy dont live around here and wont let me hunt on his side of the fence, I told him Im hunting the state side and he told me thats fine.Legally I can retrieve a deer off his ground if it happens to run in there.I just hate to come in and find my tree cut down by some irate farmer who thinks Im tresspassing LOL.Its the only tree on the place to so moving isnt an option. confused.gif

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Re: Fencelines

Well, to me, sounds like you are doing nothing illegal, so I'd be in that tree. If you come back and find your tree cut down, then you get a double whammy and turn the farmer in for damaging state property smile.gif

In all seriousness though, as long as you are not breaking any laws at any point, that sounds like too good of spot to pass on, especially since we are drawing closer to the rut.

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Re: Fencelines

Doc, here its perfectly legal to retrieve your game as long as you dont take a weapon with you.i hung the stand last night and hunted out of it.Public ground is public ground and you gotta use whats available I suppose.Seeings how I told him i was hunting the state ground he shouldnt be to suprised to see my stand in the fenceline, Im not to sure the reason he dont want me in there to start with is because he goose hunts it{or his kid does confused.gif]Long as I stay outta there and dont screw up their hunting things outta work out fine I think.

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Re: Fencelines


I told him Im hunting the state side and he told me thats fine.

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Sounds like you already covered your bases with the farmer so there shouldn't be a problem. LOL Chris and say hello to the farmer the next time you see him. Maybe even give him some meat when you bag a deer from that stand. Who knows, that might lead to you getting permission to hunt the other side of the fence too. wink.gif

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Re: Fencelines

Sure you'd be legal, right up until the time you shoot at a deer walking down the edge of that corn. Who you kiddn?

Pardon my skepticism, but this year I have found 3 stands of people doing just that. Right handed shooters and the left side of their treestand faces this way. One guy blatantly trimmed brush out of his way so he could shoot on the trail that I maintain. I cut off a piece of my tow rope and pulled two limbs across his shooting lane then tied them together. I hope he morning hunts it cause he's in for a surprise when the sun comes up! I know who it is so when I see him I'm going to ask him if he thought that was rude of me. I know I think he's rude.

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Re: Fencelines


Sure you'd be legal, right up until the time you shoot at a deer walking down the edge of that corn. Who you kiddn?

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Well if you could read youd notice the corn is on the public ground, so what exactly would be illegal about shooting a deer on the edge of it?

On the private side theres a empty beanfield, thats it, no big draw for the deer there and all the trails run on the public ground into the corn.I aint going to pardon your skepticism, you obviously didnt follow the post very closely, and just cause you have trouble with people hanging stands on your property line dont give you the right to accuse me of anything.I can get to the stand without tresspassing, the bedding and feeding areas are all on my side of the fence, and I can legaly recover any deer that would happen to get onto his property after being shot.

I prefer hunting off the ground, Ive posted that many many times in here over the years.If there was a possible way to hunt this area from the ground I would be doing it, and then the fenceline wouldnt be an issue would it?The only way to hunt this particuliar spot is from that particuliar tree, i can do it legally, and you insinuating Im a tresspasser just because thats the only tree in the fenceline just put me in a real bad mood.You got problems with people shooting deer off your ground deal with it, but dont come in here and tell me Im just like them.

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