Cooking a turkey

Guest chigger1

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Re: Cooking a turkey

Yep, I take the breasts and cut them into 1" thick stakes, let them marinate for a day or so in dressing or a Lauries type marinade and then throw them on the grill. Man is it good. Cooking some up tomorrow night that way, can't wait!

I'm not a fan of the dark meat, so I take the thigh meat and grind it up and make jerky out of it with a jerkey gun and dehydrator. My daughters LOVE it. They'll eat turkey jerkey over about anything.

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Re: Cooking a turkey

I have one breast marinating in Emeril's zesty garlic marinade, one breast in the freezer that I may try the thousand island, about 30 turkey roll-ups, and some jerkey meat marinating as we speak. grin.gif Can't wait to try it this weekend.

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Re: Cooking a turkey

Regarding jerkey.

I mix it up with a jerkey mix that I buy, same as venison. I let it set in the fridge for a couple days, and then shoot it onto the dehydrator. With my dehydrator it takes between 3 to 4 hours per batch. Venison takes about 4 hours usually. So, I guess, yea, kind of. You just have to pay attention to it and pull it when it gets to the consistancy you like. Just don't forget about it like I did a batch of goose jerkey one night. Left it on all night! Hard as bricks in the morning. OOPS!

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