How close is too close?


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How close do you guys set up from bedding areas. Like i was thinking today as i was driving. I've usually thought about 80 yards is good... but thenw hen i actually thought how far 80 yards is, it's almost impossible to sneak up to a bedded deer that close, especially in the dark! How close do you guys get to bedding areas?

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Re: How close is too close?

usually 50 -60 yards...but this place i got now i got a ground blind set-up 40 yards away from a bed(it was an accident) i set it up 25 yards from a trail, one day while i was there i took a few steps into the woods and a very large buck jumped up and tried running , but his rack kept hitting trees making his head jerk violently from left to right........... he jumped from a thicket 40 yards away from my blind!!!!!!!!!!! grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: How close is too close?

It depends if I am hunting morning or evening. In the morning, its no biggie. The deer are out feeding ana heading back to their bedding areas. In the evening, I don't want to get too close as it will drive them out. I like to keep 100 yards or so from a bedding area for an evening hunt.

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Re: How close is too close?

Well, down our way, the bedding areas are fairly good sized areas of heavy brush and swamp, so if I'm going to hunt the area at all (which I do), my stand could be a couple hundred yards from any bedded deer, or it could be a couple of feet from them. What I have done, is made some entrance trails that allow me to access my stand as quietly as possible. That's the best I can do. The rest is up to luck.

The other thing that I have found about bedding areas, is that they change a lot. As often as I find deer bedded up in the heavy thick cover, I have also jumped them out of their beds along the side hill or the top of the hill which consists of your average open hardwoods. They usually find a place that has good visibility and some kind of fallen log or blowdown for cover. So, Identifying a real bedding area around here is not as easy as it sounds. We have no agriculture here, so habitual patterns are not really that common.


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Re: How close is too close?

i dont hunt bedding areas ... i hunt he trails leading to them... there is a differance ... i like to be at least 100 yds away from the bedding area ...

provided i can get that far.. there are spots that i find that arent huntable...places that if you push the situation you can mess up your hunting for the rest of the season ....

i got agressive with some does this year and i screwed it up bad.. now they dont come out until letting the place set for 7 days and then try again.....

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Re: How close is too close?

I try my best to leave beding areas alone. They need somewhere to feel safe or they will be gone...

I try to just intercept them to and from feeding areas.. The trails on property are always hammered down like cow paths so its a good bet one of the trails will have deer traveling on them. Just picking the right trail at the right time is the trick...

This is where I'd rather be lucky then good... LOL

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