Food plots done.........


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Finished my spring planting today. I decided to go ahead a disc up my some what failed perennial plot i planted last fall. If you remember we went thru a 6 week drought last fall and most of my clover bit the dust---very spotty with lots of bare spots:


So I disced it up today---left a few strands of wheat for cover and to provide some extra seeds for the turkeys. After several passes broadcasted 50# of cowpeas, 50# of a local wildlife mix, and 50# of oats.


Covered the seeds by lightly discing over it then packed it down wuth the tractor tires:


Here are a few pics of the perennial plot on my 80 acres. As you can see most of the soil is just red clay---not a very good soil but with liming and fertilization the clover, trefoil, and alfalfa has done ok---not anything like my other place that has much better soil but it's getting the job done.

An area of alfalfa----the fescue was sprayed with poast about 3 weeks ago---it's working but that poast sure is slow.


Close up of the Hamann Farms clover/trefoil--the clover is already flowering:


and the entire perennial plot. the cowpeas are behind the perennial.


GW---you're still welcome to put your tree stand in the big Oak grin.gif


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Re: Food plots done.........


to heck with tree lounge would be fun to put up there..sorry GW! man, Im glad I got my poast out now then if it's that slow!

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grin.gif Oneida Dude....I want to be there just to see you try to climb an Oak tree with that TreeLounge grin.gif

Its Lock-On or Ladder Stand territory my brother hunter!!!

Someone has to film the hunts...I figured it might as well be ME cool.gif

He wants me there anyways just to gaurd his Pecan trees from that lady grin.gif

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Re: Food plots done.........


He wants me there anyways just to gaurd his Pecan trees from that lady.. grin.gif

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Heck, I'll volenter for that duty as long as I can tag a Turkey while I'm there.... grin.gifwink.gif

Great looking plots Todd, if my seed from Martin turns out half as nice as those plots Shawn and I are good to go.... smile.gif

I hope that Big One out there appreciates all of your hard work and steps out in the open for ya.... smile.gif

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