Ratteling, when does it work?


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Well, the common theory is that since u have a lot of does, bucks won't respond to horns that easily cause there is no need for a fight. However, living in PA where I think our buck to doe ratio is something like 13:1, I can say that is false. I have had a lot of bucks respond to antlers. Every buck has it's own personality, they're just like people. There are some that will hear the horns and run & hide, while others are just itching for a fight. I had a tiny little 3 point come in one day to some light rattling that had his ears laid back and was displaying dominant buck behavior, even though he was far from the boss of the woods. I say try it in the pre-rut, basically the chase phase and see what happens.

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Re: Ratteling, when does it work?

On Oct. 10 weekend I rattled in two whitetail bucks and my buddy rattled in a mule deer buck...the main thing is that you have to have bucks around...pre rut they will respond but there may be a lull in the week heading into two weeks before the rut...try it out...I was just tinkling the tines together rather softly...I also heard acouple bucks in different spots making rubs at the same time, one in front and one behind...there will be a lot of times when nothing comes in, but be ready, some will come in really quick and you will have to make a snap judgment...they will almost always circle downwind to smell you first, therefore have an opening to the downwind side of you...good luck

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Re: Ratteling, when does it work?


However, living in PA where I think our buck to doe ratio is something like 13:1,

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The buck to doe ratio in PA is actually 1:2.4. Much better than you'd expect. This has been shown countless times over at www.huntingPA.com.

Rattleing does work. I took a nice 9 point last year that came to the horns. Anytime ffrom now through teh end of teh season will work. Especially late morning......10am-noon.

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Re: Ratteling, when does it work?

Well, let me ask you this. Do you think that the plan Alt has put in to effect has worked that well, or do you think they are just stating those numbers so he doesn't seem like a fool? I am all for his antler restrictions, but it's hard to imagine that we have reduced the buck to doe ration that much since he put the plan in to effect. Oh well, regardless, rattling works in PA lol wink.gif

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Re: Ratteling, when does it work?

My only comment on this that has any importance is, do not expect rattling to work every time. It is a tool that works at times but at other times they are just not interested. I have had many a doe come to rattling, out of curiosity I suppose, as well as a number of bucks, both large and small. I am sure the more bucks to does there are the greater chance they will come. Just do not give up rattling if you do not have immediate success, for maybe the next time the buck of a lifetime just might come in. Give it a try if you haven't already, just be careful if you hunt in an area with a lot of other hunters, safety is a serious concern. Oh yes, I forgot to add that it usually works best in the pre-rut phase and again in the post rut. Usually during the peak of the rut, when the bucks are already with a hot doe, it is less affective as it is nearly impossible to pull a buck away from a doe, but they just might be in search of another hot one and I would not hesitate to try rattling then either.

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Re: Ratteling, when does it work?


Well, let me ask you this. Do you think that the plan Alt has put in to effect has worked that well, or do you think they are just stating those numbers so he doesn't seem like a fool? I am all for his antler restrictions, but it's hard to imagine that we have reduced the buck to doe ration that much since he put the plan in to effect. Oh well, regardless, rattling works in PA lol wink.gif

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The buck:doe ratio is According to a memeber at HuntingPA named Beenthere ..........who absolutely hates Alt by the way. He can't stand antler restrictions or Herd reduction & wants things to go back to the old ways LOL crazy.gif

The reason that most people think the ratio is worse is becuase they are looking at all antlerless deer.......including BBs (button bucks) When you look at the antlered:anlerless ratio it is something like 1:5

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