Some days i hate being a hunter


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It was really crappy weather here tonight, windy and a ligfht drizzle going on, real foggy to.I went to my stand but about 1/2 hr before dark it started raining harder.Nothing was in sight so I snuck out early, i was hunting near some switchgrass and didnt wanna risk shooting a deer and having it run into that with the rain thats supposed to be coming tonight and tommorrow.

I was on my way home and driving past another property I hunt when a big doe runs out in front of me followed by 3 fawns and another big doe.The last one to cross was a mess, looked like it had been hit by a car.Its back leg was broken badly enough I could see it from the car, it was way behind the others and kept stopping and nuzzling its hind leg with its face as it crossed.I pulled and watched and the fawn stumbled down the ditch falling partway down.It got up again at the bottom and I grabbed my bow and stepped out, it was obviously in a lotta pain and without thinking i walked across the road and drew back on it.It stood there at the bottom of the ditch looking up at me and its leg give out again, it stumbled a little, caught itself and started nuzzling its leg again.I put the pin behind her shoulder and remembered Id filled my last doe tag last night.I have a doe hanging now and dont need another just yet.I thought about sing my either sex tag on the little thing and couldnt imagine doing it.And I couldnt imagine shooting her and leaving her lay next to the highway to rot with an arrow sticking out of her.So in the end I let the bow off and decided to let nature take its course.The fawn tried to run after its mom but kept tripping in the plowing and it was so pathetic i felt a little mosture my eyes that had nothing to do with the rain.I love hunting and seeing all the neat stuff non hunters will never experience, but occasionaly I hate being out there watching some of natures more cruel tricks frown.gif

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Re: Some days i hate being a hunter

That thread title is BLASPHEMY!!! No, seriously i hear ya. Theres times when Things in nature seem pretty brutal, but i guess thats how the system works. Not sure how bad off this one was, but they are tought critters. We have all see and heard of deer that overcame those injuies. It may suffer for a while, but in teh end nature wil either claim it, or it may heal up and get by.

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Re: Some days i hate being a hunter

I would have called the game warden and explained to him what was happening. I am sure he would have taken care of everything for you. I had to slit a deers throat once. I cried doing so because it was looking me in the eye, and screaming that errie bleat. I was on my way home from a ball game when I came up on a car that had just hit the doe. All I had was my knife, but the deers guts were hanging everywhere and it was suffering. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.

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Re: Some days i hate being a hunter

a similar situation happened to me a few years back, i was coming home from the field and a little button buck was caught up in a barbed wire fence, he was a real mess i got out to check on him to see how bad it was and he really started to freak out. so i figured i couldnt do anything myself so i called a buddy and told him what was up and he came out. when he arrived i went back to the shop and got a wire cutter and came back out ,we threw a coat over his head and cut him out, only managed to get kicked who says hunters dont care

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Re: Some days i hate being a hunter

Similar thing happened to me a few years back. I had just shot my doe and was dragging her back to my car. I stepped out on this power line and out runs a TINY doe with her guts hanging out and dragging in the snow from a very bad gut shot from a rifle. She stopped and stared at me almost begging me to help her out, but I couldn't since I only had one tag. I was hoping that someone else in the area would do the right thing and put her out of her misery. Situations like that definitely take an effect on you.

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Re: Some days i hate being a hunter

I think it depends on who you happen to talk to in regards to WI wardens. The response varies greatly.

I have heard and experienced both sides. Some wardens are jerks and expect you to use your tag to put a deer out of its misery, other wardens tell you to use your tag only temporarily because they will issue a replacement tag.

The main concern should be putting the deer out of its misery but all too often thats not the case. frown.gif

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Re: Some days i hate being a hunter


I think it depends on who you happen to talk to in regards to WI wardens. The response varies greatly.

I have heard and experienced both sides. Some wardens are jerks and expect you to use your tag to put a deer out of its misery, other wardens tell you to use your tag only temporarily because they will issue a replacement tag.

The main concern should be putting the deer out of its misery but all too often thats not the case. frown.gif

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Slam me all ya want to but this is def. a spot where i would bend the law, Letting nature take its course is fine enough i guess but me putting an arrow in the skipper and leaving here does the same thing, especially in some of the areas to iowa ive been to. The only differance is that in nature that little deer has to go through a week or so of terror, before dying a painful death to either A. a car or B. a coyote. C. gaingreen.

I follow the law, but in a time like that the i guess my heart wins.

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Re: Some days i hate being a hunter

Thats too bad man ... I think its a tough call I think I mighta arrowed her and left her lay it just prolongs the suffering .... if it was a lifethreatening wound Id say you shoulda put her down ... we are fortunate we can shoot like 3 does each and a buck each we bought extra tags for antlerless and my buddy has a landowner tag too .... I understand where you are coming from but I think you shoulda wacked her...tough call man

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