These Turkeys ain't right!!!


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Re: These Turkeys ain\'t right!!!

sounds similar to the a group of birds in one of the areas I hunt. Probably 6 or 8 gobblers in this area. They'll answer calls, but won't come to them. Seems like the live hens have them a little messed up. Hopefully in another week or two that will change. I'm at the point now where if their mood doesn't change I'm stuck with trying to ambush them, like you said.

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Re: These Turkeys ain\'t right!!!

VTBowman and I have also reverted to the ambush tatics,,,,but that hasn't even worked for the birds have even stopped gobbling which makes the task that much harder in locating them...... confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif

I know I'm a rookie at this game of Turkey hunting but still, seems tho they would gobble from the roost like they did on the season opener.....

I haven't a clue as to who's idea it was for us here in the north to quit hunting these birds past NOON,,,be he needs to be jacked slapped big time....

I only have 2 more Sundays, a total of 8 hrs. to hunt since my job requires me to work 6 days a week and no hunting past NOON.... frown.giffrown.gif

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Re: These Turkeys ain\'t right!!!


Hang in there VermontHunter...Good Luck in your next couple of days to hunt...But wear your long underwear it's COLD out there!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

VTBowman and I are hanging in there, but it's tuff when there's no activity to chase.....I have no clue as to where these birds have gone,,,if indeed they have left.... confused.gifconfused.gif

As for the cold,,you aint' kidding and it's suppose to drop to the low 20's's going to be a frosty morning boys... crazy.gif

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Re: These Turkeys ain\'t right!!!

Sounds like your season is going exactly like ours in Missouri went. Cold weather and birds that won't respond at all. I had only one day the whole season where I actually had a bird really respond to my calls. He came within 20 yards but I couldn't see him through the brush so I never got him.

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Guest DaHunter

Re: These Turkeys ain\'t right!!!

Thats really tough there buddy i know what you mean tho. Here in central new york i am having troubles with live hens keeping them hung up or going the opposite direction. Alltho i came across a tom this morning with no hens and my friend was able too harvest him. They are gobbling well somedays and others its dead the whole area no one in town will hear a turkey its strange. Alltho one morning i bet one bird gobbled 150 times before 620. lol that was some morning.

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