Season update


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How are the rest of the NYer's doing? I haven't been out since Sunday morning. Didn't hear any gobbles then. I will be out this weekend, suppose to rain. I have been having dreams of getting a turkey but they haven't been coming true,lol. And pre-calculus class is keeping me busy. Some season...

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Re: Season update

I was out yesterday for the first time by myself, ended up bumping into a gobbler that I was trying to get closer to!!! He must of sounded off facing away from me and I thought he was much farther away than he was!! Then I got another one going only to have someone start up a chain saw and start cutting wood!! That was it for yesterday!! Starting work tonight, so I didn't go out this morning. I have vacation time saved up for the rest of this month, so I hope to connect then!!

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Re: Season update

The first couple of days, were very quiet. Now, they are gobbling like crazy. i called in a nice tom a couple of days ago. But he came in quiet and surprised me. I heard him gobbling for the first 1/2 hour of sun up. then nothing, another 1/2 hour, he came up from behind me. No shot. But it was a great hunt. Sunday morning,I heard 8 differet gobblers.

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