Extra cash


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Re: Extra cash

Originally posted by Tominator:

crap, i'm in the last mailing.

anyone know if this will be like the last one where this will come off next year's return? that took me by surprise a bit.

This is what ive heard from our local news station so if im mistaken, forgive me but this is how they explained it.

This isn't a credit that has to be re-payed. It is simply a way to stimulate the economy. Several "tax breaks" were offered to certain incomes. This is supposedly a "refund." This will only be effective until 2004, so after next year your break will return to $600 per child instead of $1000. The government is suppose to be merely giving money back to pull the economy out of the ditch. Now as I said thats what I understand from what our local channels broadcast. If its anything different please post or throw in your $.02 if im in line here....

My grandma is a CPA and knows about everything about this stuff. Ill check with her and let you know what the deal is......

[ 06-17-2003, 01:35 PM: Message edited by: jeramie ]

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