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Re: poults


Huntnma, that's awesome! Now just pattern them through the summer, then in the fall, BOOM! cool.gif

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i'll know where they are, they are always around, but getting one to come in during season is a different story, lol....i saw the granddaddy of them yesterday, i'll be going for him.......he was HUGE....4-5 yr. old bird, thick /LONG rope......i've heard about this bird, but never saw him til yesterday...only seen 2 birds bigger than this one in all my life.he's huge... tongue.gif

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Re: poults

We started seeing some right at the end of our turkey season. Thank goodness it was a pretty dry spring this year. Statewide, we are coming off of 2 bad hatches in a row. The prospects for a good hatch this year look great at this point. Fingers crossed hoping the weather stays favorable for the little ones to make it this year.

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