Joined The Gym


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Re: Joined The Gym

thats great! i used to go to the fitness center when i was in college, just this past year, and i lift my free weights as much as i can here at home! i eat like a freakin horse and i cant gain any weight, i'm 6'4" and only 170 pounds or so, but i'm all muscle! wink.gifgrin.gif have fun pumpin' iron, preacherman! cool.gif

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Re: Joined The Gym

preacherman, if i can give you just a tad bit of advice it would be switch up your work outs every few weeks or theres a good chance you will get bored with it and also your body will get use to what your doing. I would suggest getting some type of workout program that you can follow. also make sure you streatch before and AFTER you work out and drink a good amount of water

Have gun


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Re: Joined The Gym

Preacherman... least wise you've got a great workout partner! Encourage each other, and drive each other to stick with the routine, it makes life much easier. Best of luck and let us know how it's going! We can help hold you accountable if you'd like!!!!!! BTW, wife and I have been diligent in our exercise efforts since the first of the year! She had lost over 15 pounds (not that she needed to), and I have lost about 5 lbs and dropped from 24% body fat to 14%... and still dropping! Best of luck!


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