Camera Modification ???


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Re: Camera Modification ???

Never went from 35mm to digital, but it depends on what unit you are wanting to use. I think some of the guys have used the moultrie setup and made it into a digital cam.

You can get all the info you need at Hags House or Jesses Hunting

Good luck with building one, I am waiting on a few more parts to come in and I will be starting on my second digital cam

Here is a picture of what my first digital cam looks like



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Re: Camera Modification ???

I've never tried what you're planning but think you would be much better off starting from scratch. The biggest thing would be to have the sensor reprogrammed to control the digital camera. There are several guys in the homebrew market that make sensors. The battery life is anywhere from 6 months to a year on a single 9v battery...

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Re: Camera Modification ???

I agree you're better off starting from scratch.

It might be able to be done but that would be harder than actually builing your own.

I had a few old trail timers that I wanted to convert but I looked into it more and found out those only work with 35mm. They only have 2 wires, a shutter and a common. All the digitals I know of have to be run on 3 wires. Even if it did work you would still have to cut new holes for the flash and lens.

The only thing you could do is replace the 35mm camera with a new, better one - most people use the owl for it's quality pic and flash. But even that might be tricky.

Sorry I can't help you, I went through that too. The sensors that the cheaper game cams use aren't as good as what you can get for your homebrew anyway.

And I don't think you would save that much money because all the stuff that you'd be getting from the cheap game cam(i.e. case, sensor) wouldn't be any chaper than getting it off or wherever. Usually the actual camera is the expensive part.

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Re: Camera Modification ???

Thanks guys and gals, this is exactly the type of input and answers i needed. I think i'm going to buy a Sony P41, and the kit from pixcontroller. more question. If i build one with the stuff from pixcontroller, will i be able to remove the camera easily and still take pictures? or will it be permanantly dedicated to the game cam?

thanks again

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Re: Camera Modification ???

Yeah you can disconnect it, as long as you don't solder the wires directly to the board.

Some people use servo connectors or phone jacks, I used a stereo plug. You can disconnect it and take pictures the normal way no problem.

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Re: Camera Modification ???

Oh yeah good choice on the p41.

I don't know if you've bought all your stuff but I have to recommend one more site,

They have a really user friendly board with very minimal and easy soldering.

Also check out the stereo jack and cord they have. That makes it a lot easier than solding to the little pads on the ribbon cable and usb hub.

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