Great hunting in Wisconsin for 4th season!! Zone14

Guest MattA311

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Guest MattA311

Man, the gobbling activity was off the hook!! I called in 4 differnt sets of birds in 3 days. The one I shot was 22 pounds... 1 inch spurs and a 10 inch beard. I'm thinking a 3 year old. Great hunting, some of the best i've seen in 11 years of doing this.

Hope it was just as good for everyone else.

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Guest MattA311

Re: Great hunting in Wisconsin for 4th season!! Zone14

thanks Chrud, I drew two tags for zone 14 this year... one for 4th and one for 6th.. so i'll be leaving tomorrow to try and kill my second bird of the year. I've never had 6th season before but everyone I talk to says it's a great season! The hens are on the nests and unresponsive and the Toms are still horny as all getout... should be good if I get decent weather.. I already know where the birds are roosted. smile.gif

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Re: Great hunting in Wisconsin for 4th season!! Zone14

My brother almost had a successful hunt last week. We team called in a big tom from 300 yards. He was on a field, we were in the deep woods. He gobbled his head off! Tough shot and he missed twice. It happens. grin.gif Man, did he take some flack for it too. grin.gif

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Guest MattA311

Re: Great hunting in Wisconsin for 4th season!! Zone14

I've never missed a bird... that's not to say that I won't though. I hope I didn't just jynx myself for tomorrow and friday if I call a bird into range.. wink.gif

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Guest MattA311

Re: Great hunting in Wisconsin for 4th season!! Zone14

What part of the state is 41 in? 14 is in the central forest in Jackson County... I hunt 95% dense timber right on the outskirts of the Black River State Forest. It has it's advantages and disadvantages... I can usually stalk up close to birds because of cover.. then again birds can hang up a lot because of the cover too... I had a decoy out and the bird was maybe 30 yards away through some brush... the thing never saw my decoy because of the brush in the way and hung up for 20 minutes or so gobbling at every call I made... another 5 yards or so and my dad would of shot him. Man was that frustrating... sometimes it makes me want to hunt more open areas where the birds can see more of a spread out area.

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Re: Great hunting in Wisconsin for 4th season!! Zone14

Good going Matt!! My hunting partner from Sparta hunted May 4th to 8th and said they were rocking the hills there. He knocked down a 24.5 lb bird and he said everyone was getting them. One week later I show up and the weather really messed them up. I had overlapping seasons in WI and MN so I was pushing hard to finish in two days. I think if I'd stayed the whole 5 days it might have been different. In my hurried condition, I shot the wrong bird and settled for a jake. It was fun though.

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