My 2005 Gobbler(story and pics)


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Went dow to our 100 acres in central Ohio for last weekend. I didnt get a chance to get down before dark and put them to bed so, in the morning, i head to a high point where i have heard them in the past. I heard one about 1/2 mile away to the east and was kinda disappointed. Then, i hear a gobbler about 300 yds to the south. I head to him and and find out that he is on another property and another hunter is already set up on him. Just as i was getting disheartened, i hear one across the street. we have persmission to hunt there so i head to him. i walk about 400 yds. to an opening on top of a ridge about 100 yds long. He is in the woods about 150 yds. i let out some yelps with my mouth call. He cut me off!!!!!!! i then let out some cutts and yelps and he went off on every noise i made. He then started to come and i sat down on a little bend in the opening. I see him step out ans strut about 80 yds away. then some crows came over and were makin all kinds of racket and he went off on every sound they made. after about 10 minutes, i slowly got out the glass call and let out some sweet purrs. he gobbled and finally broke strut. "finally this is it" i thought, he needed to take about 4 steps to get around the bend and then he turned right around and went back to his strut spot confused.gif. i was just about to do some more purring when he breaks strut again but goes into the woods below me. i had to move my whole body and, just as i got my bead on him, he stepped into an opening and the Winchester supreme 3" #5s put him down. I let out a big yell and another gobbler went off across the street. it was a very exciting hunt especially since this season all the birds seem to be henned up. then, on my way out, i found a small shed on the trail. what a morning. 20 lbs., 10 1/4 in beard, 1 in spurs(he looks kinda small in the pic but put into perspective that i am 6'7", 270 lbs grin.gif)


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