Friday the 13th unlucky I do not think so


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Well first off I have hunted every day this season except one. Friday the 13th turned out to be my lucky day. early in the morning I heard some very distant gobbling but never really got set up on the birds. at around 7:30 I set up to do some blind calling in an area I new birds frequented. after prob an hour wait I decided considering my prom was later that day I had better get going. just as I removed my head net and started to get up I heard a distant gobble. I quickly threw the gloves and head net on and hit my old Cody glass with some loud cutts and yelp nothing. I called a few more time but after a half hour of silence I decide to take off again at excactly the same point in taking off my head net the bird gobbled again form the same point. I repeated the process of getting set up again. once more I hit the old cody slate but this time was not diasappointed the bird fired back at me. just once. probably ten minutes passed and a few unanswered calls whe the bird gobbled on his own at about half the distance but still prob 200+ yards away. On his gobble I hit him with my glass again and was immediately answerd by not just one but two birds together. prob 5 minutes went by and both birds gobbled at about 100 yarrds this is the point in which turkey hunter start thinking this is working out when the birds are closing the distance. a few yelps off the glass coaxed another gobble out of the birds. At about 60 yards threw a thick tree/ shrub I pick both of the bird out they were in full strut. I could see them but did not want to shoot that far through brush like that. I gave the birds a soft yelp and both of them made a line rite toward me in full strut. but keeping the bush in between me and them. at about 35 yards the birds made there way out from behind the bush the lead gobbler never coming out of strut but just exposing his head slightly gave me enough to send a 3.5 inch load of # 5s his way. The hunt was aweome text book hunt two gobbler fcoming in nither one of them ever broke out of strut sun reflecting off there feathers at that moment I realized why I get up every moring at 4 oclock to do this. So friday the 13th was truly and awesom day. and on a side not my prom was great went with an aweome friend she is great got to drive the neighbors Corvett and bagged an awesome bird who says friday the 13th is not a good day.

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