Finally a Gobble


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Well this evening after picking the oldest two boys up from work at Knoebles Grove I ran over to my brothers to do some scouting.I took his 4 wheeler to where I have been hearing them but nothing.So I go to the other side of the property and hit the crow and get one to let loose then hit the mouth call and he answers so maybe I will finally have a little luck in the morning.A bonus was I saw my first buck of the year in the field by his house it was just starting to go in the woods but stopped to look back and I saw he had some bumps but he did not stick around long enough for me to see him threw the binos

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Re: Finally a Gobble

Well got out and set up at 5am on a logging road.The birds started to gobble about 5:35am there were two different ones.One straight down from me about 150 yards and one to my left about 200 yards.I did some soft calling and the one straight down came to about 75 yards but did not see him and he left.At 6:40 I decided to make a move and went to the edge of the field below my brothers house where I heard the other one gobble well got him to answer me for about 15 minutes he strutted out in the field about 100 yards away he had two hens with him and I tried to get there attention but they went the other way.He never gobbled after 7:30 am but I tried to find him and hunted until 10:45am

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