GREAT HUNT!!???????


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I had a GREAT HUNT yesterday mroning, BUT It ended reeeaaaallllyyyy bad!!

I set up where i had seen 2 birds strutting the day before. The only bird I heard gobble was way west, so I moved about 200 yards that way. He was still about 300 yards out. He answered when I caleed to him. After a couple gobbles, silence, then he gobbled again & it was louder & louder. After a bit he popped out in the field about 50-60 yards west of me. My decoys were straight north. He would strut towrds the decoys, then back to the tree line, then back out, then back, out back.......It took him about 30 minutes to close 30 yards towards me. I was kneeling next to a small bush (bow hunting). Next he walked out towards the decoys & was within 25 yards of me, I told myself, "Next time he struts out there I'm going to shoot. He struts back to the tree line & I start to get ready to shot when he goes back out, nothing? He doesn't walk back out? I move some leaves in the bush to peek, HOLY CRAP!!! , instead of going back out he is walking right to me on the tree line! Just before he clears the bush I draw, He steps out, still at full strut, I cluck, WHACK!!! I shot him at 9 steps!!! He goes down in a pile of feathers, then gets up & starts hobbling back the way he came. I turn around Grab my bow & he is hobbling accross the field. I keep saying LAY DOWN, LAY DOWN, there is no way he can keep walking!!! He makes it to a small rise about 100 yrds away, thats the last time I EVER saw him!

There was blood all the way up the arrow, it was stuck in the ground behind him. There were feathers everywhere. Blood where he went down.

I am really confused.. I am convinced I did it right. I know I picked a spot. He couldn't fly when he left. I'm sure I put that arrow right at the wing root. when he left, he was really moving bad, I thought every step was going to be his last. I was shooting Rocket Sidewinders, 2 in cut.

It makes me sick to think that that big beautiful bird is dead out there.

It is really to sad such an incredible morning had to end so bad. The 25-30 minutes before the shot where incredible! He had to gobble 20 times in sight.

I am very depressed! I am just so upset because I can't figure out what happened.

9 paces, 8 or 9 yards, how is that even possible????????

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Re: GREAT HUNT!!???????

Like redbeard said, they will tend to hide. That's bird is out there, you just have to find him.

A freind of mine shot one and it was laying down when he decided to go get his truck to drive back in there to load the bird and his gear. When he got back his bird was gone. He looked for an hour and a half until finally he saw the birds eye in a pile a brush. Those suckers can really hide good so give it another try and I hope this story has a different ending. wink.gif

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Re: GREAT HUNT!!???????

Dog all the way buddy. Last season deer on the last day, everyone packed up and left, dogs and all. One of our guys was sick to his stomach because he missed a trophy size buck the same night. 30 yards, slug, dead nuts scope, why'd he miss? My uncle couldn't believe it, he took the family beagle out, its not even a hunter and has no experience, the beaglette led him straight to a 210 lb. 13 point! LOL

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