A smile to remember!


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Time to get up Ryan! That was 3:30 am this morning. My nephew Ryan (known here as big9ptbuck) had spent the night in preparation for our third quest for his first turkey. He was up in an instant and we were both excited about hearing a gobble or two this morning. At 4:20 we were pretty much set up and eagerly awaiting dawn. It would arrive late this morning with the drizzling rain and cloudy conditions. The weather did not hamper our hopes. Ryan's Dad had bagged his first bird on a rainy day and I bagged my N.H. tom that same morning. By pure luck, I had heard a gobble toward a distant ridge at 6:30 the evening before. I was hoping the gobble wasn't produced by a "rooster" who may have planned his/her own quest for a gobbler this morning. Time would tell!

Obble...obble....obble! It was 5:10. "Did you hear that Uncle Jimmy"? Sure did...which way did it come from? "From behind us" Ryan whispered. Good I thought to myself. Guess my hearing is ok this morning. After a few gobbles from the roost, I sent a few yelps his way. Obble...obble....obble! He rsponded eagerly. After about 5 minutes of conversation, we had company! His gobbles were not cut off by one, but three other gobblers. The difference in tone was clear. Most likely a Tom and three Jakes. No hens were heard this morning, but you never know. Hopefully I was the only hen to be talking!

It was 6:00 and they had closed, but how close was the question. The falling rain and the thick woods behind us made it difficult to tell. At 6:05 the gobbling had ceased. Some last minute yelps and purrs drew no response. It was time to "clam up"! "Ryan" I whispered..."they may be sneaking in". "You keep an eye on the left and I'll watch to the right". "Don't move a muscle". I had placed a hen and a jake decoy about 20 yards in front of us in hopes of keeping a Tom interested while an excited youngster could position himself for a shot. Little did I know how cool and collective this youngster would be!

Suddenly, I caught movement about 35 yards thru the tree line to the right of us. "Ryan...here they come I whispered. I had barely got those words out of my mouth when....obble...obble...obble! One of them let loose and they were making a beeline towards the decoys. I couldn't tell if the lead one was the Tom or not but I was hoping. He was running towards the "fake Jake" and at about 10 yards prior to reaching Jake, he slowed to an aggressive walk. It was the Tom! "Shoot Ryan" I whispered. Ryan waited until he stopped and was almost on top of the Jake. The Encore spoke sharply as it sent a load of #5's on its way. The doors to turkey heaven were opened once again!

It was 6:25 and Ryan's first turkey was down. A perfect shot! We shared a high five and a big hug before admiring Ryan's first Tom. What a beauty!

"It's beautiful Uncle Jimmy". "I can't wait to show my Dad"! Well, thanks to modernization, that would be easy. I pulled the Nextel phone from my vest and a few calls were made. We had to call Grampa too!

As Ryan was talking to his Dad and Mom, I walked over to our makeshift blind to get the camera from my pack As I neared the blind, I looked down to see my Encore broke open and laid neatly on the seat cushions. The spent shell was tucked in the shell holder on the stock of the gun. In all the excitement, Ryan still kept his cool and was thinking safety first. Yes Ryan, I noticed! Great job!

This was a very special hunt for me. I'll never forget the smile on Ryan's face when we walked up to that bird. It was a priceless moment! I was extremely excited when I bagged my two birds this season, but this was different. I now know why my Dad is so excited when I have success. It's a great feeling!

And yes, my "lucky coin" was in my pocket. Thanks Honey! Ryan says thanks too!

Hopefully we'll hear from Ryan!

19 lbs

8 5/8" beard

3/4" spurs



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Re: A smile to remember!

Awesome James, that's what it's all about. Nothin' funner than gettin' a kid his first bird. He sure looks happy. Give him a big ole pat on the back from Redbeard. I have enjoyed your hunts and stories, James. If you ever come south in the spring, be sure to look me up and we'll go chase some southern birds. Congrats again to all your successes.

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Guest big9ptbuck

Re: A smile to remember!

Thanks Uncle Jimmy! I couldn't of said it better myself. I really enjoyed the hunt. You've taught me so much about hunting and I hope to learn alot more! You're the best!! smile.gif

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Re: A smile to remember!


Awesome James, that's what it's all about. Nothin' funner than gettin' a kid his first bird. He sure looks happy. Give him a big ole pat on the back from Redbeard. I have enjoyed your hunts and stories, James. If you ever come south in the spring, be sure to look me up and we'll go chase some southern birds. Congrats again to all your successes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I definitely enjoy your stories Redbeard! That would be awesome to join you on a hunt. I'd be happy just to watch, listen and learn. You;ve probably forgotten more than I know about the turkey world! And you're right about the kids. Being with Ryan and seeing his face after bagging his bird was something I'll never forget!

Oh......me coming South is more of a reality than you might think. I have a brother in Fort Valley, Georgia that I need to get down and visit. Next Spring sounds like a real good time!

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