savage 99!!!

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hopefully i'm not talking to soon. But it looks like i'll be getting my first savage 99 today the auction ends in an hour soo i'm keeping my fingers crossed. Its a 99E in .308 to start my collection. The gun appears to be in pretty decent shape but it will defently be one that makes it to the woods come this fall plan is to get a couple "hunters" and then a few that just sit and look pretty.



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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: savage 99!!!

I just bougth one just like it. 99E & had the mounts also. Who got the better deal? I paid $300 came with a box of 180 grain shell & 2 boxes of 55 grain Remington Accelerators ( what good those are who knows) Plus a old Bushnell scope with the crosshairs out of alignment.

Does yours have the safety on the lever or is it a tang mount?

The 99's are kind of a clut thing !! Welcome aboard-----CB

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Re: savage 99!!!

Thanks a lot guys hopefully she's a good shooter.......Bob you got the better deal i paid 435 for this one. I kinda felt i was paying a little much but i had to get that first 99 under my belt and i didnt wanna wait any longer *L* Its a tang mount i dont actually have the gun in my grubby lil hands as of yet haha its being sent from TX to my FFL transfer


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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: savage 99!!!

Mine was made in 1959. I hope IronBuck see this thread, he's the 99 Guru or nut---as the case may be.

I wish mine was a tang mount---I'm a lefty---much easier for me to use than the one on the lever. But I'll make it work.

You got a perfect deer rifle for PA---IMO.

What kind of glass are you thinking of? I put a 2x7 VarX-II Leupold on mine.

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Re: savage 99!!!

I'm waiting to see the date stamp so i can get it dated over at savageshooters......the 270 will more then likely take a back seat to the 99 this coming deer season..... As far as what i'm gonna top it off with i'm thinking something vintage maybe a '50s-4X Redfield or something along those lines would be a nice fit


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Re: savage 99!!!

PA HArdwoods

Congrats on the 99! grin.gif I am glad to see that you got it. I have been out of town all last week and just got back to see the good news.

A vintage scope is a nice touch on a 99 Or even a peep sight. Either have a winner grin.gif From your picture you can see that it is has the presseed checkering, which means it was made some time after 1964.

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Re: savage 99!!!


Your 99 sounds like a winner. What caliber is it is? Those old hex barrel models are worth some bucks. Most likely made before WWI.

NEVER drill & tap it for scope monting. You are correct that you should leave yours "as issued". That way it keeps its value. And on top of that.......iron sighted 99s handle like a dream grin.gif

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Re: savage 99!!!

thanks iron........i spoke with my gramps today and he has an old 4x weaver that hes gonna give me to top it off i'm still waiting for my FFL to get to the guy ahhh soo hopefully i get it soon i really wanted to take it to pa with me this weekend but that dosent look like its gonna happen!!!!


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