food plot photos (well soon to be plot)

Guest MarylandQDMA

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Guest MarylandQDMA

here are two photos of my food plot (soon to be). these were taken back in march after I scraped the debre off and limed. it is a 1/2 acre and is oddly shapped. the first one is the lower part looking towards the top part. and the second is the top looking towards the lower part.




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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: food plot photos (well soon to be plot)

thanks guys. it is amasing what it looks like now vs. when I took the photos. I will get a photo once the weeds start showing up again. just to give you guys some orention, the first pic is looking ssw. and the second pic is looking due north. if you look in the second pic you can see a steel pipe on the right side. that is just to the left on the first pic. here is what it looked like last hunting seasion the big steel pipe is behind me (to the left). what a big differance.



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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: food plot photos (well soon to be plot)

THANKS GUYS, I was up there yesterday trying to eradacate (sp) the tree of heaven. talk about a long slow process. this is one nasty tree. I killed off some 4 weeks ago, well they are starting to resptout setms and leaves!

hey FF what you been up to. 38 had a good one on sunday. I was on 474, and missed out on the action. oh well.


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Re: food plot photos (well soon to be plot)

I'm doing ok ,,, nothing to complain about,,, yeah i heard about the 38 box ,,,, My son graduated high school sunday so we spent the day with him ...... So ya got stuck on the gut bucket huh ? You can have it ... LOL , I'll handle the fire ..........

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