Can you guess?


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While me and my buddy were hunting this morning. We both heard a noise coming down the fenceline we were in. So after looking at each other and thinking either one of the turkeys that were just gobblin behind us or a deer was about to walk between us. I turned my eyes and noticed brown, so I slowly turned my head. As can you guess what cat size animal it was??? It's the first time I've seen one down in Montgomery County and often see them throughout deer season up north. It's got 4 legs and eats squirrels and other small rodents. No not a fox or coyote.

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Re: Can you guess?


Adults weigh between 2 and 5 kg and are between 75 and 120cm in length, with the males larger and heavier than the females. Their coats are darkish brown, with a black tail and legs, and in some individuals a creamish patch on the chest. All four feet have five toes with retractable claws. Because they can rotate their hind paws by 180 degrees, they can grasp limbs and climb down trees head first.

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Re: Can you guess?

you guys got it. We always joke around and call em monkeys or lil sasquaches. I was seeing them at least once a week up north 2 yrs ago and noone knew what I was talking about. Until one day, one walked by me and I decided to follow it and see what it was doing and I ended up following it past one of my buddies and he just lost it laughing in the middle of the woods. He's like what are you doing? hahah

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