empty handed


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Re: empty handed


i know but my place sucks and i cant find a hunting ranch or lodge to hunt turkeys at a price i can afford

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I hear ya slughunter, but I'm in the same boat here man, just keep the faith and enjoy your time in the woods with friends,,,,,,If it weren't for being able to hunt with VTBowman I would have given up on these feathered critters long ago. Hunt hard and be safe... smile.gif

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Re: empty handed

You'll just have to do some networking before next spring. Over the years I've been able to develop relationships with a number of landowners. Also through scouting I've found a small public land honey hole that recieves little to no pressure. Keep your chin up and just work to put things a bit more in your favor.


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Guest WhiteHead

Re: empty handed

Hey slughunter, don't think you the only one that got no bird, I sure had a good time trying. We can sure hope for better luck next year, right!

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Re: empty handed

to make things worse yesterday me and my grandpa made a long stalk on a group of about 8 toms. we shot at the same time and my tom piled up and his ran so he goes running to cut them off and tells me to stay where i am. after 5 minutes of waiting i bend down and pick up my shell and when i look back up i see my tom jump up and run away. i couldent get a shot off.

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