Catfish problems


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Re: Catfish problems

Go to a baitshop, and see if they will let you have some of the dead minnows. Put on a sliding egg sinker. Pinch a small pinch sinker on to keep the egg sinker about a foot back from your hook. Scrunch a couple of minnows together. Thread them on about a number 4 hook. Throw it out on the bottom, and watch for the bite.

I catch alot of cats this way in lakes, and eddies in rivers.


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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Catfish problems

cats hear are starting to nest. maybe thats your problem. a littel early i know but they have started hear. all the tails tore up from making nests. also look at a berometer ( if thats how it spelled??) cats bite better if it is in a rise or a fall. also moon fase. 3 days before and 3 days after a full moon. when cats dont bite i go after them. i feel under logs and rocks with my hands and grab them by the mouth. we call it noodeling.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Catfish problems

Have you tried live bait like shiners or suckers??? That's usually what gets them going if they are starting to bed. Ask gator and horst..they are the unofficial "Catfish Kings". smirk.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: Catfish problems

This was a fun afternoon: 32 channel cats That's a 2 1/2 ' long ice chest. Filled her up!


Does this make me the Catfish Queen? grin.gif

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Catfish problems



when cats dont bite i go after them. i feel under logs and rocks with my hands and grab them by the mouth. we call it noodeling.

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That's what I call HARD CORE! lol

Around here it's called Cooning.


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i love it. and yes i have all of my fingers.

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Re: Catfish problems

Cant say since Ive never fished ponds much but if its not real deep and the waters warm enough your cats could be starting to spawn right now, they should be spawning here in NW Iowa shortly and we always seem to hit a period where they wont bite anything when this happens.

weve been pretty well flooded out here this year and the rivers been out of its banks.Dont know how much of our rain youve caught over there but sudden changes in water level will also do one of two things to the catfishing, theyll either go nuts and eat everything you throw at em or they wont eat anything at all.

just keep after em, the bite should improve either way sooner or later.If your fishing during the day try fishing on the bottom in the deepest part of your pond.They may be hanging out there and not feeding real aggresively till after dark, cats can be awfully light sensitive

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