What is your fav smokepole and why?


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This is one of my Pashions and just thought I would get something going. First off, I started hunting with BP in 1974 and fell for it then. In 1994 I started shooting Yanks and yes feel hard for it too. Something about the smell of smokey wool and looking at a blue wall marching down on you and the blast of canons to get the blood going.

OK, that said. I have rifles in .45, .50, .54 and .58. I shoot a Cook and Brothers repo, in .58 on the field and at NSSA shoots (North South Shooting Assoc) but what I shoot most (live rounds) and hunt with is a CVA side lock .54 with a 410 gr, Union Minie ball with 82 gr of Goex powder.

I also like the hand guns, Reb. Cav. is GREAT.

So lets see ware this goes.


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Re: What is your fav smokepole and why?

No doubt, my favorite is the Savage 10ML II. It will do anything a typical muzzleloader will and a whole lot more. It is also one of the, if not the strongest muzzleloaders made.

I own and have hunted with side locks of cap and flint versions, typical inlines, and the Savage inline.

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Guest RandyWakeman

Re: What is your fav smokepole and why?


Savage 10ML-II and Knight Disc Elite: Accuracy.

The T/C Contender G2 in .50 caliber-- it is a joy to carry.

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Guest deldeer

Re: What is your fav smokepole and why?

i have a 50 cal. t/c hawkens that i loved using till i got my t/c omega, now i use that all the time. still trying different loads with it though, trying to fine tune it . awsome gun!!!!

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Re: What is your fav smokepole and why?

I currently own and hunt with a 50 cal. TC Encore. I used to have a TC White Mountain Carbine 50 cal.

I have shot many different brands of muzzleloaders, and TC is my favorite. smirk.gif I am using 777 powder pellets with .295 grn. powerbelt bullet in front.


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Re: What is your fav smokepole and why?


First gun I ever owned was a .50 cal Traditions caplock. I too fell in love with ML. Taken a couple deer with it. Just bought a T/C Black Diamond also in .50 cal. Can't wait to mount my Burris Fullfield II scope on that puppy and kill a monster deer and/or black bear this year!!

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You might want to check out T/C's Peep Sight for the Black Diamond. I found they are much faster sighting than a scope plus it is much easier to clean the rifle. I "Flat-Lined" two Deer with my Black Diamond last season @ 90 yards each! ~ Both neck shots!! ~

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Re: What is your fav smokepole and why?

I have a 209x50 Encore, stainl;ess, with the Hardwoods composite stock. I will never own any other muzzle loader. I love the way it feels. It is accurate, comfortable, easy to clean, plus I can change it into a 12 gauge slug gun, or a heavy barrel .223, (other options coming) in about a minute flat! grin.gif

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Re: What is your fav smokepole and why?

When I bought my Encore, I handled the Omega, and the Encore side by side. The Encore picked me. I would like to try one of the thumphole stocks that Eabco, or Boyds sells on my Encore. Afraid of spending the money, and not likeing it though

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Re: What is your fav smokepole and why?

ive got a knight wolverine 50 cal with a thumbhole stock ..i love that gun its so comfortable to carry and it hasnt failed me yet

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Re: What is your fav smokepole and why?

Compared to many, I haven't owned many ML's, but of:

.58 Zouave

.50 CVA Hawkin

.54 Lyman Trade Rifle

.50 T/C Encore (factory and custom barrels)

.50 Savage 10MLIILBS (stainless w/laminated stock)

I'll grab the Savage before anything else, but IF there

were a smokeless BP substitute so I could see the

deer right after pulling the trigger in no-wind conditions,

it would be a tough choice between the Savage and

the Encore w/custom barrel!!

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Guest WVHunter129

Re: What is your fav smokepole and why?

My favorite is my Traditions brand 50 caliber, precussion cap, side hammer muzzleloader. It has the brass butt pad, trigger guard and front end cap. The only other muzzleloader that I have fooled with is a CVA Bobcat. I still prefer my Traditions, I have had it for about 13 or 14 years now. Iron sites, no scope, even though about 2 or 3 years ago WV started allowing scopes and inline muzzleloaders.

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