Mechanical or Fixed....................

Guest Yotey

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Re: Mechanical or Fixed....................

I only shoot fixed with the idea of better penetration, and that they're more solid, and will break bone.

I could see the mechanicals having an advantage in less time spent tuning. But my bow is geared down, It shoots around 230 fps with a 450 grain arrow. Spenty of KE and I don't have arrows plane on my.

I've only hit one deer with a mechcanical, and it penetrated in up to a 1/4 of the shaft, and stopped, needless to say, I didn't recover the deer crazy.gif

After that, it's been 3-blade muzzy's, with several pass throughs.

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Re: Mechanical or Fixed....................

I have used both and have had great success with both fixed and mechanicals. I currently use mechanicals but have only shot two animals with them. The bow I was shooting at the time wasn't a real fast bow either---shooting at about 140 fps. I had complete pass thru's on both animals. One was an 8 point buck and the other was a 175 pound hog. Both animals died within 30 seconds.


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Re: Mechanical or Fixed....................

Fixed blades for me.I tried mechanicals two years ago and shot a doe slightly quartering away,and the arrow hit the shoulder bone on the oppostie side.As she ran through the thicket the blades folded up and the arrow fell out.The blood trail was pretty light and I looked for her for two days and never did find her.I made almost that same shot with Crimson Talons this past year and the deer didn't make it 30 yards,and the broadhead busted through the shoulder bone.I'm sure that there are a lot of good mechanicals that will do a good job,but I have full confidence in a fixed blade head.

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Re: Mechanical or Fixed....................


I'm a mechanical guy myself. This past year was my first year experimenting with them and I loved 'em. Complete pass throughs on 4 animals. 3 deer & 1 coyote.

It's all preference. The majority of the broadheads on the market today will get the job done with just about any set-up. Mechanicals have been getting labeled as the "lazy man's" broadhead because they shoot just like a field point on most bows, tuned or not.

Your number one concern is a clean kill. If a mechanical will help you gain more confidence.....shoot it.

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Re: Mechanical or Fixed....................

i've shot both and though i can shoot whatever out of my bow i prefer the rocket steelheads and they do a heck of a job on animals. never problem at any angle and always did some serious penetration

rob k

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Guest kunegos

Re: Mechanical or Fixed....................

Its 3 blade, 100 grain Muzzys for me. They flew as accurately as field points once I got my bow tuned right. I've only killed one deer with them, but she went 18 yards. Like they say, bad to the bone.

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Re: Mechanical or Fixed....................

For the past few years I used 100gr. rocket steelheads and really liked the way they performed. Although I never actually killed a deer with one, I killed everything from squirrels to woodchucks with them. Last year I switched back to fixed blades...100gr. Slicktricks and 100gr. NAP Nitrons. They both fly awesome and I didn't even have to readjust my sights or tune my bow for them at all. They shoot as well as any mechanicals out there but give you the extra security that comes with using fixed blades. I ended up taking a couple of deer with the Nitrons and they leave a nasty hole (and short bloodtrails) for such a small looking broadhead. I'll definately be using these two heads again this fall. I hope to get an opportunity to harvest a deer with the 4-blade slicktricks. I do carry a couple of arrows tipped with mechanicals, Rocket Hammerheads to be exact, but they're there just in case I have any turkeys, coyotes or foxes come by will I'm on stand cool.gif.

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Re: Mechanical or Fixed....................

I used fixed wing. Mainly because that is what I started with and have had luck with. I wouldn't be against trying mechanicals but I have to say that I don't want to find out the hard way that they don't perform as well for me when I shoot something. I was thinking about trying them this year. I have been thinking about a cut on impact design. I don't think that anyone can deny that a cut on impact design of anything gives better penetration.

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Re: Mechanical or Fixed....................

i have always shot fixed heads.. bear razor heads , Razorback 5s , thunderheads and now Muzzys .. .each of these performed just great..

but i have been wanting to try mechanicals just to say i tried them .. to do my own tests so to speak... so that i can say up or down with them.....

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Re: Mechanical or Fixed....................

I've shot both, and now i'm of the opinion that it dosn't matter what you shoot as long as the shot placement is good. I've shot NAP Spitfire 100 gr. for whitetails, had 1 pass thru and one that i hit pretty high went in abiut 3 in. but never recovered.

Then on my recent hog hunt i shot muzzy 100gr. 3 blade fixed head and had complete pass thru's on both hogs, but i hit them right. so, as I said a the start of this post, SHOT PLACEMENT IS EVERYTING!!

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